10 Questions Everyone Immediately asks a 23-year-old Virgin

I would like to be open about myself and my sexuality (or lack there of?) because its something that I’d like to be able to confide in people about it. However, to me, it seems easier to talk about having sex than disclosing that you’re a slightly older person who never has. For anyone out there like me, the second you disclose that you haven’t lost your virginity, you immediately see a panicked look come over their face and a genuine concern for your well being combined with an uncomfortable squirming at the situation you’ve just put them in. I always thinks that people’s recitations seem to be better  suited for reacting to someone who has just told you they have contracted a life threatening disease. Of course, you play it off like it doesn’t bother you, but people always have a million follow-up questions which range from insulting to awkward to hysterical. Here are just a few:

1. Are you waiting for marriage?


Somehow having not lost your virginity by age 20 means that you are very religious and are saving yourself. People cannot seem to fathom why else you don’t have sex, and they imagine it must be intentional.

2. But you’ve done other stuff right?


Unfortunately, in my case no. Honestly though, my telling you I’ve never had sex is not an invitation for you to know about every steamy encounter I’ve had.

3. Are you gay?


Nope. My lack of sex life has no connection to my sexual orientation. You are just offensive, and that squeaky, hushed tone you asked this in should be a hate crime.

4. Do you think you should talk to someone about that?


Um, are you saying I need professional help?! I mean since when is virginity considered a mental illness?!

5. But you’re so pretty?!


Yes, thank you for the confidence boost, but that doesn’t change the situation or make me feel any better about my predicament.

6. Do you want me to introduce you to this guy I know? He’s super sweet and sensitive. I think you’d like him.


No, I do not want to go on a blind date with your friend’s grandson, Aunt Jodi.

7. How do you function?


Um, pretty much like a normal human being. How about you?

8. Are you sure?


Well, you know, now that you mention it, I’m only 100% certain I’ve never done the nasty.

9. How is that possible?


Wait do you expect me to have an answer to that? I’ve been asking myself that for a while now.

10. What are you waiting for?!


Trust me I am not sitting around twiddling my fingers. It just hasn’t happened yet, okay!!

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